HANSHI Bertrand KRON (8th DAN)

Director: Chief Referee

The PAKO-KWA Referee or Officiating Commission is responsible of the formation of Kyokushin Full Contact Referees and Judges, for KUMITE (Combat; Fighting), KATAS (Formal Exercice; Form), Karate Competitions at all levels: National, Regional and International.

-- HANSHI Dale LAIL -- (8th DAN)

Director: Assistant Chief Referee

HANSHI Dale LAIL, is a USA Branch Chief of Hickory, North Carolina, and the Chief Referee of the "USA Kyokushin Karate Alliance (KWA-USA)". He's responsible for the formation of Referees and Judges for North America... OSU!


PAKO-KWA Referee Commission Coordinator and Head Referee.

Shihan Eric Mercado is the: KWA-USA President; Branch Chief of Arizona State; He's a certified National, Regional and International Referee, responsible for the formation of referees and Judges in North America... OSU!

SHIHAN Michael Lee SPEAGLE (6th DAN)

PAKO-KWA Referee Commission; Member and Head Referee.

SHIHAN Michael L. Speagle is a USA Branch Chief of Hickory, North Carolina, He's a National & Regional Certified Referee responsible of the formation of Referees and Judges in North America... OSU!