KWA Honorary President

KWA Honorary President

Mrs. Grace Eki OYAMA our Honorary President, is the second daughter of the late founder of KYOKUSHIN Karate: SOSAI Masutatsu OYAMA, who practiced Karate Kyokushinkai with her father to the highest level. We're honored and proud to have her as our CEO, to help in the unification of the style worldwide, to the benefit of the world Kyokushin community. Welcome to our KYOKU Family... OSU!

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The: PAKO-KWA-USA, is directed by an interim Executive Committee composed of the following members: 1.) President: SHIHAN Eric MERCADO; 2.) General Director: HANSHI Dale LAIL; 3.) Vice-President: SHIHAN Michel MILLIEN; 4.) Vice-President: SHIHAN Tony CAPRARO; 5.) Vice-President: SHIHAN Michael SPEAGLE; 6.) Technical Adviser: SHIHAN Michael CHIN; 7.) Executive Adviser: SHIHAN Thierry PARET; 8.) General Secretary: SHIHAN William C. BROWN; 9.) Treasurer: SENSEI Willie COLON Jr; 10.) National Coordinator: SENSEI Duval HAMILTON; 11.) Senior Adviser: SENSEI Edwin CRUZ; 12.) Consultant: SENSEI Reginal SILVER; 13. SENSEI Charles TAYLOR: DOJO Operator, member 14. SENSEI Christopher FOX, Protocol, member.

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