Masutatsu OYAMA was born, Yong I CHOI, on July 27, 1923 in Southern Korea. While still an infant, Oyama was sent to live with his sister, on her farm in Manchuria, in the Southern China, At the age of nine, Oyama began to receive instruction in the Southern Chinese KEMPO style of SHI PA LO and SHO, (eighteen hands), from Mr. Yi, who at the time worked at the farm. OYAMA returned to Korea at the age of twelve and continued his training in Korean KEMPO. He also became interested in JUDO and BOXING, his interests led him to the TAKUSHOKU University, where he began to train with the great Master Gichin FUNAKOSHI, the father of modern Karate: (the SOTOKAN). By the age of twenty, Oyama had attained the rank of YONDAN: 4th Degree Black Belt in SHOTOKAN Karate. He trained simultaneously as hard in JUDO, and his progress was amazing, earning him the rank of fourth degree black belt as well in four (4) years of intensive training. OYAMA in search of the WAY, then began training also with the well known Master So Ne CHU of the GOJU school of Karate. It was Master CHU who advised him to dedicate his life to the Martial Way and to commit himself to three (3) years of rigorous training in the solitude of the mountains. So in 1946, OYAMA went to a remote spot on Mount MINOBU in the Chiba prefecture of Japan to begin his training. He was accompanied by his student and friend Mr. YASHIRO. After six months, however, Mr. YASHIRO was unable to bear the solitude, and fled the mountain. A closed friend of Oyama, Mr. KAYAMA, visited OYAMA every month to deliver foods and supplies. However, after fourteen months, Mr. KAYAMA announced that he was unable to continue this arrangement. This decision ended OYAMA's training which had lasted just over a year. In 1947, a few months after his return to society, OYAMA won the: First (1st) Japanese National Karate Championship organized by the All Japan Karate Federation. Yet he was not satisfied and felt that there was still much more to be done and gained. He deeply regretted not completing the three years of intensive training. It was then that OYAMA decided to dedicate himself completely to Karate and began another period of training alone on Mount KIYOZUMI. Oyama trained twelve hours a day. His regimen consisted of physical training, fasting, and Misogi (meditation under waterfalls), and study of ZEN and Philosophy. He used trees and stones to strengthen his techniques, and bench press his body weight 100 times daily. After eighteen (18) months of rigorous training, OYAMA was ready to leave the mountain and confidently face his future. In 1950, OYAMA began his famous barehanded battles with bulls. He fought 52 bulls, (which were to be slaughtered), in all, killing at least three (3) instantly with a single blow, and taking the horns of 49 of them with his powerful knife hand blows. OYAMA's intent was not to be cruel, but simply wished to demonstrate to the world the power of his Karate, after years of inlassable training. OYAMA traveled to the United States in 1952 and there, he engaged in 270 matches against Boxers, Wrestlers, Judokas, and Karatekas: Fighters from all different styles, and defeated every one. Most of the matches lasted no longer than a single round and were often won by KO with one blow or IPPON. In 1953, a grass lot in Mejiro, Tokyo, served as OYAMA first Dojo. In 1956, after three years of hard work and by registering more students OYAMA opened the: OYAMA KARATE DOJO in a former ballet studio behind RIKKYO University. By 1957, the enrollment had reached 700 members that generated some income to help him establish the: International Karate Organization (IKO-SO-HOBU): The organization World Headquarters in Tokyo, Japan in the 1964, and subsequently adopted the style name of: KYOKUSHINKAI, with translate as the: "Ultimate Truth Association". OYAMA's Karate continued to spread in 123 countries with over 17 million members. KYOKUSHIN Karate today, continues to spread worldwide. SOSAI OYAMA firmly believed that hard training could benefit any person, both physically and spiritually, and that practitioners would thus play a part in making the world a better place.


Dojo Etiquette: The Dojo is a sacred place where we train ourselves physically and mentally. The students should respect the dojo and observe the following etiquette; (1). The students should observe the training schedule. The students should try not to be late for training. (2). Before entering the dojo, remove outer clothing such as coat, scarf and hat. After taking off your shoes at the entrance, place them neatly in order. If you find some shoes in disorder, place them in order, also. (3). If a senior student is standing behind you at the entrance, let him go in first. (4). Upon entering the dojo, say: "ONEGAI SHIMASU", meaning: "Please help me", clearly and cheerfully. (5). Upon entering the dojo, show respect by bowing: (OSU!), to the dojo shrine. (6). Always be polite to your instructors, senior students and elders. (7). Before starting practice, go to the toilet. (8). Always try to keep your training clothes clean and tidy. Always practice in clean training clothes in the dojo. (9). Be aware of your physical condition. (10). Keep you finger nails and toe nails short, to prevent injury to other students when practicing together. (11). Do not eat for an hour before practice. (12). Do not forget to do warm up exercices before practicing, even if you are practicing alone. (13). When you observe the training at the dojo, sit in the proper way, and do not stretch your legs out. Put your hands on your lap. (14). When an instructor calls for training to begin, line up smartly, facing the dojo shrine. (15). When the instructor calls for "MOKUSO", (meditation), close your eyes, breathe deeply from the lower stomach, concentrate on the "TANDEN": (lower abdomen), and try to achieve concentration. (16). While practicing, listen carefully and seriously to the advice and instructions given to you. (17). When you use the training equipment, handle it with care. Be sure to put it back in the correct place after using it. (18). When an instructor gives you some advice, listen carefully and sincerely. Do not forget to show that you have heard and understood the advice. (19). Each student should know his/her physical condition, stamina and physical strength as well. Do not force yourself to do the impossible. (20). The instructor should always observe the physical condition of each student. Take a short break in the middle of the training period. (21). Five minutes before the end of the training period, do the closing exercices together with all the students. (22). When the closing exercices are finished, sit in the: "SEIZA" form in the original position. (23). Make yourself calm and quiet, concentrate your mind, and recite the precepts of the dojo (DOJO KUN). (24). Bow to the instructor, senior students and each other with appreciation and respect. (25). The beginners and colored belt students should ask the senior students is they have any questions. It is important to study about Karate always. (26). Do not forget to thank any one who gives you some advice on Karate. (27). Baths which are excessively hot are not good for you. Nor should you spend too long a time in the bath. (28). Cigarettes damage your health in innumerable ways. Smoking does not have even one redeeming feature. (29). When you injure yourself, do not practice until the injury is completely healed. Watch the training during these periods. (30). Upon leaving the dojo, do not forget to say: "ARIGATO GOZAIMASHITA", (thank you very much), or "SHITSUREI SHIMASU", (excuse me).


1956.- April - Mas OYAMA travels to Okinawa and Southeast Asia in order to experience other styles of Martial Arts, especially KEMPO. June - Mas OYAMA returns from Southeast Asia and opens a Dojo behind RIKKYO University in Tokyo, Japan, (Less than a kilometer from the present day World Headquarters building for the IKO), attracting, more than 300 students. The name KYOKUSHINKAIKAN is adopted: (based on the proverb: "One becomes a beginner after 1000 days of practice and an expert after 10,000 days of practice.") 1957.- March - Mas OYAMA travels to Europe. June - Mas OYAMA travels to the United States of America. July - Mas OYAMA fights against a bull in Mexico City and is hospitalized for six months after receiving a severe leg injury. Mas OYAMA has acquired over 700 students. 1958.- January - Mas OYAMA publishes the first book: "What is Karate?" thinking he can sell 500 copies, but he eventually sells 500,000. Mas OYAMA travels to New York City (USA). March - Mas OYAMA returns from New York City. July - Mas OYAMA established a Dojo in Hawaii, the first Dojo in Kyokushin history outside of Japan. September - Mas OYAMA receives an invitation to visit the FBI Headquarters. He teaches FBI agents for one month and performs in a demonstration. 1959.- July - The first Hawaii Open Tournament is held. Mas OYAMA attends as tournament supreme judge. He also demonstrate. The OYAMA DOJO has its first summer camp at Ichinomiya in Chiba Prefecture. This becomes an annual event lasting into the present day. October - Mas OYAMA travels to Europe from the USA. 1960.- March - Mas OYAMA travels to the United States from Europe. July - The second: Hawaii Open Karate Tournament is held. Mas OYAMA organizes seventy-two new international KYOKUSHIN Karate branches in sixteen countries. 1961.- April - Mas OYAMA opens a new Branch in San Francisco, USA. July - The: Third All Hawaii Karate Tournament is held. Mas OYAMA opens another Dojo in Los Angeles, (USA). While in Japan, Mas OYAMA continues to teach at OYAMA DOJO almost every days. November - Mas OYAMA organizes the First North American KYOKUSHIN Karate Tournament at Madison Square Garden in New York City. Mas OYAMA is the tournament supreme judge. 1962.- February - Mas OYAMA travels to the USA and Europe, continuing his introduction of KYOKUSHIN Karate to the world. He fights against many Martial Artists and professional fighters in many nations. July - The Fourth All Hawaii KYOKUSHIN Tournament is held. November - Mas OYAMA returns to OYAMA DOJO, and promote twenty students to black belt first degree (SHODAN). There is an increased enrollment of foreign students at OYAMA DOJO. 1963.- April - Mas OYAMA travels to America, Europe, and South Africa. October - Construction of the: "International Karate Organization IKO KYOKUSHINKAILAN SO-HONBU (world headquarters), at its present site in: Ikebukuro Toshima-Ku, Tokyo 171, Japan. The second North American Open Karate Tournament is held at Hartford, Connecticut, (USA). 1964.- January - The OYAMA DOJO accepts challenge by Thai Kick Boxers, in Taiwan. OYAMA DOJO won wins three matches out of four fights. April - Former Secretary of State: Sato EISAKU becomes Chairperson of the International Karate Organization (IKO) KYOKUSHINKAIKAN, and Shohei Mori becomes Vice-chairperson. June - The KYOKUSHINKAIKAN main office opens officially at IKO-SO-HONBU. Mas OYAMA teaches and demonstrate at Georgia State University (USA). 1965.- January - The first Winter Camp is held at Mount MITSUMINE in Saitama Prefecture. This is to become an annual event lasting into the present day. OYAMA publishes a new book: "This Is Karate". Twenty thousand pictures are taken in preparation for this 300-pages textbook, which becomes known as the "BIBLE" of KYOKUSHIN Karate. Book sales: 170,000 copies. June - Mas OYAMA travels to the USA. 1966.- April - Mas OYAMA publishes another book: "Dynamic Karate". May - Mas OYAMA organization produces a monthly Magazine, KINKA Karate (Modern Karate). This publication becomes a unique instructional magazine for all practitioners. July - Mas OYAMA organizes the North American Region for the IKO-KYOKUSHINKAIKAN. The first chairman is Tadashi NAKUMURA Shihan. August - Mas OYAMA organizes the South American region for the: IKO-KYOKUSHINKAIKAN, and the first chairman is Seiji ISOBE Shihan. September - Sean CONNERY starts practicing Karate for more than one month at the IKO-HONBU DOJO. Mas OYAMA's students are futured in the film: "You Only Live Twice." Mas OYAMA presents him with an honorary black belt 3rd DAN for his dedication and promotion of KYOKUSHIN Karate through his action movies. 1967.- April - Mas OYAMA publishes a special book: "Vital Karate." 1968.- April - Mas OYAMA publishes a very successful book: "Seikai Kenka Ryouko: (The Voyage of the World Street Fighters). June - Mas OYAMA travels to Hawaii, the continental USA, UK, Holland, Italy, and Jordan. July - Mas OYAMA establishes the European Region for the IKO-KYOKUSHINKAIKAN. Mas OYAMA holds the First European IKO-EUROPE Branch Chiefs Conference in Amsterdam, Netherlands, and John BLUMMING Shihan becomes the chairman. August - Mas OYAMA establishes the Middle East Region for the IKO-KYOKUSHINKAIKAN, Mas OYAMA receives an invitation from King Hussein of Jordan to teach members of the royal family. Mas OYAMA presents King HUSSEIN with an honorary third degree black belt for his dedication and promotion of KYOKUSHIN karate in Jordan. OYAMA received a distinctive honor and merit decoration from King HUSSEIN. October - Mas OYAMA establishes the: IKO-KYOKUSHINKAIKAN South Pacific region, IKO-KYOKUSHINKAIKAN becomes a true international organization with regional branches an HONBU in every continents. 1969.- January -