
Founder of the: International Karate Organization (IKO) KYOKUSHINKAIKAN,

Masutatsu OYAMA was born, Yong-I Choi, on July 27, 1923 in southern Korea. While still an infant, Oyama was sent to live with his sister, on her farm in Manchuria, in Southern China. At the age of of nine, Oyama began to receive instruction in Southern Chinese KEMPO style of Shi-Pa-Lo Han Sho (eighteen hands) from Mr. Yi, who at the time worked at the farm. OYAMA returned to Korea at the age of twelve and continued his training in the Korean KEMPO. He also became interested in JUDO, and Boxing. His interests led him to the Takushoku University where he began to train with Gichin FUNAKOSHI, the father of modern Karate, by the age of twenty, OYAMA had attained the rand of (4th DAN) fourth degree black belt in Shotokan Karate. He trained simultaneously as hard in JUDO and his progress was amazing, earning him the rank of fourth degree black belt (4th DAN) in four years. OYAMA in search of the Martial Way, then began training also with the well known Master So Nei CHU of the GOJU-RYU school of Karate. It was Master CHU who advised him to dedicate his life to the Martial Way, and to commit himself to three (3) ears of rigorous training in the solitude of the mountains. So in 1946, Oyama when to a remote spot on Mount MINOBU in the Chiba Prefecture of Japan to begin his training. He was accompanied by his student Mr. YASHIRO. After six months however, Mr. YOSHIRO was unable to bear the solitude, and fled the mountain. A friend, Mr. KAYAMA visited Oyama every month to deliver foods and supplies. However, after fourteen months Mr. Kayama announced that he was unable to continue this arrangement. This end OYAMA's training which has lasted just over a year. In 1947, a few months after his return to society, Oyama won the first Japanese National Karate Championship. Yet he was unsatisfied and felt there was still much to be gained. He deeply regretted not completing the three years of intensive training. It was then that Oyama decided to dedicate himself completely to Karate and began another period of training alone on Mount KIYOZUMI. OYAMA trained twelve (12) hours a day. His regimen consisted of physical training, fasting, Misogi (meditation under water falls) and study of ZEN and Philosophy. He used trees and stones to strengthen his techniques, and bench pressed his body weight 100 times daily. After eighteen months of rigorous training, Oyama was ready to leave the mountain. and confidently face his future. In 1950, OYAMA begin his famous barehanded battles with bulls. He fought 52 bulls (which were to be slaughtered). In all, killing three (3) instantly, and taking the horns of 49 of them with his powerful knife hand blows. OYAMA intent was not to be cruel, but simply wanted to demonstrate to the world the power of his Karate after years of inlassable training. OYAMA traveled to the United States in 1952 and engaged to 270 matches against: Boxers, Wrestlers, Judokas and Karate fighters of all different styles, and defeated everyone. Matches lasted no longer than one round of three (3) minutes, and were often won by TKO, with one blow. In 1953, a grass lot in Mejiro, TOKYO served as Oyama's first Dojo or Karate-club for years. In 1956, he opened the full time OYAMA DOJO in a former ballet studio behind RIKKYO University. But by 1957, his enrollment had reached 700 students that generated some income to plan for a better future for his Karate organization. OYAMA opened his organization Headquarters in Tokyo, Japan, in the year of 1964 and subsequently adopted the style name of KYOKUSHINKAI Karate which translate as: "The Ultimate Truth Association", and later founded, the: International Karate Organization (IKO) KYOKUSHINKAIKAN. OYAMA's Karate continue to spread in 123 countries with over 14 million members. KYOKUSHIN, today continue to spread worldwide. Although divided in several factions or groups... SOSAI OYAMA firmly believed that hard training, commitment, and perseverance could benefit any person, both physically and spiritually, and that practitioners would thus play a part in making the world a better place.

Founder of the: International Karate Organization (IKO) KYOKUSHINKAIKAN,
Founder of the: International Karate Organization (IKO) KYOKUSHINKAIKAN,
Founder of the: International Karate Organization (IKO) KYOKUSHINKAIKAN,
Founder of the: International Karate Organization (IKO) KYOKUSHINKAIKAN,
Founder of the: International Karate Organization (IKO) KYOKUSHINKAIKAN,
Founder of the: International Karate Organization (IKO) KYOKUSHINKAIKAN,
